Deepfakes mean the end of shared reality, and nobody is ready

Richard W. DeVaul
12 min readJan 28, 2020
A video deepfake substituting the face of Nicolas Cage on the face of Amy Adams (image: wikimedia)

I was there, in the building, when the modern machine learning revolution got started at Google in 2011; It was called Project Brain, and it started at Google [X]. I’d like to tell you that I immediately knew that it would change everything, but that took several months. By the time a New York Times article ran in 2012 reporting that a cluster of 16,000 processors had discovered on…



Richard W. DeVaul

Founder, mad scientist, moonshot launcher. Writes on innovation, entrepreneurship, and social/queer issues. ex-CTO of Google X. @rdevaul on twitter